Interview With iGirl

What’s involved in an interview with iGirl?

All interviews are video interviews and can be either in-person (Santa Monica) or remote using Skype or Google+. We edit all videos prior to posting them to our live YouTube channel. So, long pauses or redos are absolutely OK! Here is some additional information about the interviews:

  • Interviews generally last about 20-30 minutes. Setup normally takes about 5 minutes with online interviews and 10 minutes with in-person interviews.
  • We come up with 10 possible questions. However, we like interviews to be conversational. So, interviewers have full autonomy to lead the conversation.
  • We share the questions with you about two days before the interview. However, no preparation is needed. We love spontaneous conversation.
  • We generally start out talking about whatever you’re working on at the moment. We also like to talk about your past experiences and any inspiration you can share. We then ask some general advice related questions for females in tech, female entrepreneurs, etc.
  • We like to interview women in every aspect of the tech industry. If you’re a female founder, coder, social media expert, tech recruiter, investor, advisor, or in any other position in the STEM field we’d love to do an interview with you

We’d be happy to answer any other questions you might have. Please e-mail and a team-member will respond promptly!

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message (Please include links to your Twitter, LinkedIn, Etc so we can learn more about you)

    Inspiring Women in Tech!